2024. 05. 19. Vasárnap Ivó, Milán napja
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Televíziós vásárlási műsorablak 10:05


Bayer vlog - Declaration of war on humanity + videó

  • Bayer vlog - Declaration of war on humanity + videó

A new book titled Une aspiration au dehors (an aspiration outside) was published by a French philosopher the other day. The book claims that childbearing is a product of social pressure, and if someone gives in to this pressure and has children, he or she will be unhappy. In reviewing this book 444.hu and its scientific supplement, Qbit were celebrating the creation of an anti-family manifesto.

 The websites were reveling in the way the book described how happy life can be without children and family, exemplified by three gay men living together merrily and in unison all by themselves. When I read this awful crap, the first thing that came to mind was the book titled Fools, Frauds and Firebrands: Thinkers of the New Left by Roger Scruton. In this ingenious volume Scruton graphically portrays the prototype of the intellectual opinion leader of the West who appeared at the time of the French Revolution and hasn't changed an iota since then. In the beginning they were called Jacobins who killed tens of thousands of people in the name of the slogan "Freedom, Equality, Fraternity".

Then they turned into bolsheviks who killed tens of millions in the name of total equality and the the happy society. Nowadays they happen to be greens, who don't go around killing people as of now, but contrive theories like the one about the joys of childless life. Speaking of murder, another thing that comes to mind is that the twin monsters of the XX. century, Hitler and Stalin and their twin ideologies, nazism and communism had something essential in common. Although they visioned to reach the "happy, just and beautiful" future in with different ways, both of them were hoping to get there through heaps of dead bodies.

The nazis wanted to eradicate whole ethnicities to make a better life for the rest, the communists wanted to liquidate complete social classes for the same reasons. However, the abovementioned French idiot declared on war on the entire human race. For if his theory came true and nobody ever would decide to have children - as it is the embodiment of unhappiness - humanity as such would get extinct within 60-100 years.

A thought lingering on in my mind about all this is that whether it would be easier to round up all these freaks and take them to a desert island. There they could do all their social engineering and stuff and be happy without children and duties. We would check upon them every year to see what condition their condition is in. Alas, one obstacle makes this impossible: there are no desert islands any more. Luckily still, there are countries where these freaks haven't managed to come to power yet. Let's keep it this way.

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Svenk, a HírTV mozimagazinja

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